Saturday, December 6, 2008

Channeling 1

"Come," said the spirit, removing the decanter of sherry from the table and draw a glass of the ruby liquid.
"Drink, for you are thirsty. I am Bartemus, and I am a five thousand years old spirit. I will be your spirit guide, if only you will invite me in to the temple of your body."
I smiled, and took the glass from him, and began to sip.
"My current spirit guide is eight thousand years old, helped Homer write the Iliad and helped Jesus with his notes on the Sermon on the Mount which is why it turned out so good" I said with a playful smile.
The spirit frowned, a look of frustration over his eyes. "I want to enter you" he said.
"Dont they all" I interrupt.
"I will teach you the secrets of the pyramids and stone henge. I will teach you how the
world was made out of a little clay."
"I will allow you to enter me, but only long enough to teach those things," I retorted.
"When my own guide returns, he will overpower you and then you will get throun out."
The spirit spout fire from his mouth then hover up above me crossing his arms.
"You drive a hard bargain for an earthling" he said, twisting his lips an s.
"Then it is done" I said "I will draw a sence and you can enter me."
I prepared a sence with candels and a circle of a pentagram. I sat in lotus until he came to me.
A whoshing of wind came from outside and I thought my house would fall down, before Bartemus entered me...
Bartemus became my spirit guide for almost a year and taught me many things, by the time it was over I was sad to see him go.
"You are free" I told him when my stronger guide began to call to me. "Go"
Bartemus was not willing to go.
"You must go or there will be trouble" I warned him.
Finally Bartemus was removed from me in a struggle. He was cast back to hell by my regular guide. My regular guide (I wont name him for he to powerful for you to call his name) is with me now many years. But I still think of Bartemus...

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